A project led by
A project led by

Co-designing a sustainable and efficient treatment solution common

Cométha is a joint project led by Syctom and the SIAAP for the treatment of organic solid and liquid waste. It provides a testing ground for a number of future processes and practices in the field of waste and wastewater treatment. Cométha aims to optimise biomethane production while minimising the generation of waste.


Creating a favourable context for innovation

Cométha is the fruit of an innovation partnership signed in late 2017, which involves several groups, each with a different and innovative approach. At each stage of the initiative, Syctom and the SIAAP select the most promising projects put forward. In early 2020, the building and operation of two pilot units began as part of phase 2 of the project.


Build and assess two pilot units

The two Cométha pilot units will be running for several months in order to assess their performance. A European group will be building pilot unit 1 in Seine Valenton and the companies John Cockerill and Sources will manage the project. A Franco-German group will be building pilot unit 2 in Seine Grésillons and it will be managed by GICON/France Biogaz and Tilia.


A project led by Syctom and the SIAAP

The Cométha project is jointly led by Syctom and the SIAAP, who provide public services such as the treatment of household waste and wastewater for Paris and the Greater Paris urban area. Cométha reflects the strong commitment of both public service companies to innovation and ecological transition.

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